Key Legislation this Candidate Endorses
H.R. 5395Back the Blue Act
H.R. 350Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act
H.R. 7199Community Policing Act
H.R. 3545Opposition to Hate, Assault, and Threats to Equality Act
H.R. 231921st Century NICS Act
Key Legislation this Candidate Endorses
H.R. 5395Back the Blue Act
H.R. 4831st Responders Survivors Support Act
H.R. 7153LEO Identification Act
H.R. 3106Domestic Terrorism Data Act
H.R. 2379Bulletproof Vests Partnership Act
Key Legislation this Candidate Endorses
H.R. 5395Back the Blue Act
H.R. 4831st Responders Survivors Support Act
H.R. 7153LEO Identification Act
H.R. 3106Domestic Terrorism Data Act
H.R. 2379Bulletproof Vests Partnership Act